
The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management contracts Brokerage companies globally to house Institute Traders as a separate entity. This means three things;-

Institute traders hold accounts with the following international brokerages.

Account Application

Once you have completed the Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Video Series and / or the Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) and / or the Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM) Video Series you can apply to become an Institute Trader. To open your account, you will need a minimum of $25,000 USD or equivalent local currency. The average Institute Trader deposits approximately $48,000 deposit into their trading account as initial margin.

If you wish to open your Trading Account and become an Institute Trader, please fill out the form below. We will check the database to see if you have purchased and completed the exam(s) of either the Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Video Series, Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) or the Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM) Video Series. If everything is in order, we will be in touch with you within a few days to start the process.

Please Note: If you already have a Tradestation Trading Account, you will not need to close your account and open a new one with ITPM to become an Institute Trader. In this case you will be able to transfer admin’ rights over to ITPM so we can view your account on a read only basis and manage your track record. If you do not have an account already with Tradestation you will need to open an account via the application form.

Required fields are shown with an asterix *


The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management is not an investment advisor and is not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Further, owners, employees, agents or representatives of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management are not acting as investment advisors and might not be registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory.

All persons and entities (including their representatives, agents, and affiliates) contributing to the content on this website are not providing investment or legal advice. Nor are they making recommendations with respect to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling securities, nor are they rendering any advice on the basis of the specific investment situation of any particular person or entity. All information on this website is strictly informational and is not to be construed as advocating, promoting or advertising registered or unregistered investments of any kind whatsoever. All of the information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as investment or trading advice.

The information provided on this website is provided “as-is” and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current. The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management is not responsible for the accuracy of any information on this website. The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management makes no warranty, express or implied, about the accuracy or reliability of the information on this website or on any other website to which this website is linked. Your use of this website is at your own risk. The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management is not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your use of this website or any website linked to this website, whether from errors or omissions in the content of our website or any other linked websites (e.g. injury resulting from the website being down or from any other use of the website).
Any information that you send to us in an e-mail message is not confidential or privileged, and The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management may use any information legally provided to us for any legal purpose.

The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management is not compensated in any way by the commission you pay your Broker. Commissions, fees and other costs associated with investing or trading may vary from broker to broker. You should speak with your chosen broker directly about these costs. Be aware that certain trades that may be profitable for some, may not be profitable for you, after taking into account these costs. You should also be aware that, in certain markets, you may not always be able to buy or sell a position at the prices advertised on the Brokers platform. Thus, you may not be able to take advantage of certain trades that you identify.

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